Manga Duetto Professional 500g mask - Duetto
Mascara Duetto Professional Mango Sealant 500g
Recommendation: For all kinds of dry or dry hair.
Occupation: Recovers the hair mistreated by the highly moisturizing and moisturizing action of the sleeve butter.
Result: It promotes a strengthening in the internal structure of the yarn, reducing the volume of the hair leaving them soft and with natural shine.
- Wash the hair with the hygienic shampoo Citrus duetto, rinse and repeat the operation if necessary.
- Remove the excess of the water with a towel, pass the hyper gloss sealant Manga Duetto Mecha by wick of the root the tips, letting take from 20 to 30 minutes. Then rinse.
- Apply a small amount of the Hyper Gloss Sealant Manga Duetto Professional in all hair and Nalize with brush and plank (board).
- Do not wash your hair for 3 days. Her hair will have more brightness, softness and silky.
Warranty: Against manufacturing defects.