W. One Floractive Nano Protein, Alisado Progresivo del Cabello.
El revolucionario W.One es bueno por 3 razones principales: Ahorra tiempo porque no necesitas lavar el cabello primero, está libre de FORMALDEHÍDO y la tercera es que ¡puedes comprarlo en The Keratin Store! :)
¡El tiempo es dinero! Especialmente en salones concurridos. Alisar el cabello puede llevar demasiado tiempo y mantenerte ocupado todo el día. Además de eso, los champús anti-residuos, utilizados en el primer procedimiento para abrir la cutícula del alambre, dejan el cabello muy seco y difícil de peinar.
Floractive decidió cambiar eso con W.One. Lanzado en Brasil hace aproximadamente un año, el producto comienza a hacerse famoso en todo el mundo. Floractive W.One es un producto respetuoso porque NO UTILIZA FORMALDEHÍDO y obtienes los mismos resultados que las alisadoras más famosas. Es una marca relativamente nueva pero muy innovadora.
Los principales ingredientes activos son: sericina (proteína de seda), ácido láctico (leche), ácido ascórbico (vitamina c), aceite de argán y manteca de karité.
Ingredientes: haga clic para comprobar los detalles de cada componente:
Copolímero de acrilatos, alanina, aminopropil fenil trimeticona, arginina, ácido aspártico, alcohol cetearrílico, ácido cítrico, EDTA disódico, glicina, histidina, colágeno hidrolizado, queratina hidrolizada, proteína de trigo hidrolizada, isoleucina, metilcloroisotiaiolzona (y) metilisotiazolinona, extracto de fruta de Morus Nigra, Parfum, Pca, Fenilalanina, Prolina, Serina, Sodio, Lactato, Pca Sódico, Aqua.
Paso a Paso - Fácil aplicación y 3 veces más rápido que los otros progresivos.
1. No es necesario lavarse el cabello.
2. Aplicar W.One con brocha en cada sección y dejar actuar 45 minutos o más, según el cabello.
3. Lavar el cabello, no todo, solo para eliminar el exceso de producto.
4. Seque el 90% y alise con plancha 15 veces cada sección a 210-230 grados.
Nota: Aplicar el Aceite de Argán en las puntas de los cabellos rubios antes de alisarlos para dar fuerza al cabello. El cabello teñido de rubio o rojo se debe enjuagar al 50% y alisar con una temperatura promedio de 180 grados.
Preguntas frecuentes
Si el producto es natural ¿por qué tengo que usar guantes y no tocarme el cuero cabelludo?
Porque el pH del producto es de 1.5 y el pH de nuestra piel es de 7. Así que si tienes una herida, puede causar escozores, pero el producto NO quema los ojos durante el proceso.
¿Es compatible con otros productos químicos?
El producto es compatible con otros químicos, pero se debe hacer un Análisis de Cabello para poder usar la plancha a la temperatura adecuada. Recomendamos el uso de Aceite de Argán antes y después de aplicar el tratamiento en cabellos muy sensibles.
¿Es necesaria la relajación?
Sin necesidad de tratamiento de relajación capilar, ya que el producto reduce hasta el 100% del volumen sin necesidad de relajar.
¿Cuánto tiempo debo esperar antes de volver a aplicar una relajación?
Mínimo 60 días y observar estrictamente la prueba del cabello porque se acelera la acción de relajación. En algunos casos, necesitas relajarte en 4 secciones. (Parte de la parte posterior de la cabeza después de la parte delantera). En todos los cabellos dañados, recomendamos el uso de un
Aceite de Argán , es muy bueno en el proceso de cicatrización.
¿Qué debo hacer si tengo dudas en la aplicación del producto?
En caso de duda, se debe aplicar sólo en un mechón, para comprobar el resultado y esperar unos días antes de aplicarlo por todo el cabello. También recomendamos encarecidamente que todos nuestros productos sean aplicados por un profesional.
El producto provoca cambio de color?
Para cabello teñido, puede haber cambio de color. Más evidente en el pelo rojo. Para minimizar este cambio de color, el profesional debe usar temperatura baja en la junta o dar un pre enjuague al cabello antes de secarlo y alisarlo.
¿Qué hacer con la coloración?
Hacer el pincel antes y la coloración después de terminar todo el proceso, incluido el aclarado. Dependiendo del volumen, tómese un descanso de 3-4 días.
Si el cliente quiere hacer luces?
Hágalo antes del procedimiento.
¿Cómo podemos hacer que dure más?
Hidrata tu cabello al menos una vez a la semana.
¿Cuál es el tiempo de durabilidad?
Dependiendo de la forma de hacerlo y del mantenimiento del cabello, puede durar de 90 a 120 días.
¿Se puede hacer en mujeres embarazadas?
Orientamos a la gestante a obtener aprobación médica antes de realizar el proceso de reducción de volumen, ya sea que no tenga alergia al ácido láctico (lactosa) oa algún componente de la fórmula.
Después de alisar el cabello, ¿puedo prescindir del cliente sin lavar el cabello?
Puede, pero aconseje al cliente que se lave el cabello después de 12 horas. es decir, "No lavar hasta el día siguiente".
Si el cabello no estaba liso en la primera aplicación, ¿puedo aplicar la relajación después de la progresiva?
No, si el cabello no quedó liso es porque debiste dejar el W.One Floractive más tiempo en el cabello. Vuelva a aplicar el producto, deje más tiempo y siga el paso a paso nuevamente. El relajamiento debe hacerse por lo menos 60 días después, y observando estrictamente la prueba del mechón.
¿Puedo aplicar el producto sobre el cabello con henna?
En las pruebas se ha comprobado que es compatible, sin embargo, por razones de seguridad, aplicar el producto indicado a mecha y esperar de 10 a 15 días antes de realizar el proceso. Dependiendo del estado del cabello y tiempo de henna, indicamos desmineralización e hidratación antes de aplicar el tratamiento.
Haga clic aquí para ver nuestros excelentes precios en W.One.
I recognize the informative article on W-One Nano Protein by using Floractive! It offers a complete overview of the product, providing precious insights for all of us fascinated in hair care and keratin treatments. The distinctive statistics and guidelines make it a beneficial aid for these searching to decorate the fitness and look of their hair.
I recognize the informative article on W-One Nano Protein by using Floractive! It offers a complete overview of the product, providing precious insights for all of us fascinated in hair care and keratin treatments. The distinctive statistics and guidelines make it a beneficial aid for these searching to decorate the fitness and look of their hair.
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When I apply shampoo and conditioner after nanoplastia treatment my hair not shiny.
When I apply shampoo and conditioner after nanoplastia treatment my hair not shiny.
Please contact 0097455279740
I want to buy this for distributing.
Please contact 0097455279740
I want to buy this for distributing.
Manjula Kotali
Please contact me 7038493661
Please contact me 7038493661
Anisha Kapadia
Can I do hair oil after W. One Floractive Nano Protein, Progressive Hair Straightening.
Can I do hair oil after W. One Floractive Nano Protein, Progressive Hair Straightening.
Need W1 nano plast
Need W1 nano plast
Can I tie my hair immediately after the treatment. If not, how long do I need to wait for?
Can I tie my hair immediately after the treatment. If not, how long do I need to wait for?
Rosangela Mercado
Donde consigo este producto. Floractive w one?
Donde consigo este producto. Floractive w one?
Rosangela Mercado
Donde consigo este producto. Floractive w one?
Donde consigo este producto. Floractive w one?
olga santamaria
hola necesito co.prar l floractive si tienen especial
quise comprar como q borraron la otrapagina
hola necesito co.prar l floractive si tienen especial
quise comprar como q borraron la otrapagina
Shilpa Haria's Beauty Beyond Salon
Share the Distributors contact number in Mumbai. Interested in buying the product for professional use.
Share the Distributors contact number in Mumbai. Interested in buying the product for professional use.
Shilpa Haria's Beauty Beyond Salon
Share the Distributors contact number in Mumbai. Interested in buying the product for professional use.
Share the Distributors contact number in Mumbai. Interested in buying the product for professional use.
Selina Narsidani
I want to buy this product
I want to buy this product
I want to buy this treatment but may i know from where i can get it.. m from mumbai
I want to buy this treatment but may i know from where i can get it.. m from mumbai
Sonu Thakur
I want to buy this product
But directly from products Diller in bengulure .. contact me
I want to buy this product
But directly from products Diller in bengulure .. contact me
Priya Vinit Singh
I want w1 products hair shampoo and conditioner
I want w1 products hair shampoo and conditioner
Priya Vinit Singh
I want w1 hair shampoo and conditioner
I want w1 hair shampoo and conditioner
Mona shaanan nasr Nasr
I am Trichologist from egypt and i was use this product many times the acidity of product is very harsh to scalp and after application, your patient will suffer from hair loss if the hairdresser not qualified enough to keep away from scalp ,and hair became elastic and loss its original elasticity .
Not recommended for kids or afro hair .
You will like it after first application once you want to renew roots the side effects will be noticeably .
I am Trichologist from egypt and i was use this product many times the acidity of product is very harsh to scalp and after application, your patient will suffer from hair loss if the hairdresser not qualified enough to keep away from scalp ,and hair became elastic and loss its original elasticity .
Not recommended for kids or afro hair .
You will like it after first application once you want to renew roots the side effects will be noticeably .
هل يمكن إستخدامه لعمر ١١ سنة
Can a girl that is 11 use this ?
هل يمكن إستخدامه لعمر ١١ سنة
Can a girl that is 11 use this ?
Jigna Mali
Where to get the products in mumbai plz help me.
Where to get the products in mumbai plz help me.
tip top unisex salon
hi we have a salon need your distributor contact details in Mumbai
hi we have a salon need your distributor contact details in Mumbai
Gemma Maravilla
Hi,how can I order of this products am very interested to use..am from New Zealand please help to order 😊
Hi,how can I order of this products am very interested to use..am from New Zealand please help to order 😊
Priya Marne
Want to buy this product
But I want to buy from directly product dealer in Pune or Mumbai
Plz help me
Want to buy this product
But I want to buy from directly product dealer in Pune or Mumbai
Plz help me
Hello Changr this product the hair
Structure?? Can i you another oil??
Greeting alixi
Hello Changr this product the hair
Structure?? Can i you another oil??
Greeting alixi
I’m interested in your video animation for my business. Can I send you my business logo so that you can add it to the video animation along next to the floractiva? I would like to send you information translated into English step by step please.
I’m interested in your video animation for my business. Can I send you my business logo so that you can add it to the video animation along next to the floractiva? I would like to send you information translated into English step by step please.
Hi there hope you are well i am from south africa..
I have buyted a product by your guys at the professional beauty in joburg.. Just wanted to find out if there is somebody in the area for a rep so a can buy some products..
Will appreciate to hear back from you guys..
Kind regards
Hi there hope you are well i am from south africa..
I have buyted a product by your guys at the professional beauty in joburg.. Just wanted to find out if there is somebody in the area for a rep so a can buy some products..
Will appreciate to hear back from you guys..
Kind regards
How I can buy one bottle and you send it to Finland or there’s any shop here where I can get it ??
How I can buy one bottle and you send it to Finland or there’s any shop here where I can get it ??
123___Everything you need to know about W.ONE Nano Protein Floractive. | The Keratin Store___123___
123___Everything you need to know about W.ONE Nano Protein Floractive. | The Keratin Store___123___
I want ask which one is best for curly African hair the revolution or progressive
I want ask which one is best for curly African hair the revolution or progressive
Where to get the product in Qatar
Where to get the product in Qatar
Micheal Aron
Warm greeting from cools island.My name is Micheal Aron,i am willing to make some purchase of some items
in your company,before we procedd,can you answer the question below.
1,Do you have POS machine to charge credit cards
2,Do you accept mater and visa card payment mode
3.Do you accept private pick up by our forwarder
4Can you send me your price sheet,website or catalog
Kindly email me if all this is possibleto ship to cooks islands
Micheal Aron
17/19 Paramount Roadsuite 34
P.O Box 3671
ClarkesBuilding Parekuta
Cook island
Warm greeting from cools island.My name is Micheal Aron,i am willing to make some purchase of some items
in your company,before we procedd,can you answer the question below.
1,Do you have POS machine to charge credit cards
2,Do you accept mater and visa card payment mode
3.Do you accept private pick up by our forwarder
4Can you send me your price sheet,website or catalog
Kindly email me if all this is possibleto ship to cooks islands
Micheal Aron
17/19 Paramount Roadsuite 34
P.O Box 3671
ClarkesBuilding Parekuta
Cook island
Micheal Aron
Warm greeting from cools island.My name is Micheal Aron,i am willing to make some purchase of some items
in your company,before we procedd,can you answer the question below.
1,Do you have POS machine to charge credit cards
2,Do you accept mater and visa card payment mode
3.Do you accept private pick up by our forwarder
4Can you send me your price sheet,website or catalog
Kindly email me if all this is possibleto ship to cooks islands
Micheal Aron
17/19 Paramount Roadsuite 34
P.O Box 3671
ClarkesBuilding Parekuta
Cook island
Warm greeting from cools island.My name is Micheal Aron,i am willing to make some purchase of some items
in your company,before we procedd,can you answer the question below.
1,Do you have POS machine to charge credit cards
2,Do you accept mater and visa card payment mode
3.Do you accept private pick up by our forwarder
4Can you send me your price sheet,website or catalog
Kindly email me if all this is possibleto ship to cooks islands
Micheal Aron
17/19 Paramount Roadsuite 34
P.O Box 3671
ClarkesBuilding Parekuta
Cook island
Hi I bought wine premium ozone protein + coconut oil is this different from the one you sell?
Witch one of the 2 you guys sell is the best one?
Thank you
Hi I bought wine premium ozone protein + coconut oil is this different from the one you sell?
Witch one of the 2 you guys sell is the best one?
Thank you
Can I apply w one keratin on 12 years old very curly hair African decent! I am professional stylest! Thanks
Can I apply w one keratin on 12 years old very curly hair African decent! I am professional stylest! Thanks
What is the difference between lighter and darker which one for African.
What is the difference between lighter and darker which one for African.
Fathya ABdalrahman
I have african curly hair, but week not strong. Can i know if the produt will sute me.
I have african curly hair, but week not strong. Can i know if the produt will sute me.
What’s the Nano Protein Floractive bottle size?
Is this one liter?
What’s the Nano Protein Floractive bottle size?
Is this one liter?
What is the difference between the w1 two bottles the brown and the golden one ? Which is my hair is very very curly but not african …
What is the difference between the w1 two bottles the brown and the golden one ? Which is my hair is very very curly but not african …
Ibrahim Hamed
I,.went to speak with bos of shopping
I,.went to speak with bos of shopping
Is it safe for children under8 ?
Is it safe for children under8 ?
I used w one on my hair and left it for 60 min but i did not get the result i want, whats the maximum time that i can leave the product on my hair?
I used w one on my hair and left it for 60 min but i did not get the result i want, whats the maximum time that i can leave the product on my hair?
My daughter is 5 years old can I use this application for her hair?
My daughter is 5 years old can I use this application for her hair?
How much product have the bottle?
How much product have the bottle?
I just need to ask if it is safe for children 3 years old
Thank you
I just need to ask if it is safe for children 3 years old
Thank you
I have a question about not washing my hair before i apply the product. Does it mean that it does not matter if my hair contained before some oil or creme or serum that i put it after my shower and washing my hair? Or should i wash it in this case?
I have a question about not washing my hair before i apply the product. Does it mean that it does not matter if my hair contained before some oil or creme or serum that i put it after my shower and washing my hair? Or should i wash it in this case?
Service is realy good! I am verry happy with the Quick service. Products ar good! Thank you for the good service!
Service is realy good! I am verry happy with the Quick service. Products ar good! Thank you for the good service!